Instrument Rating
The next step in training is usually the Instrument Rating.
The Instrument Rating is an addition to a existing Private Pilot License. With this rating you can fly in low visibility weather, known as IFR (Instrument Flight Rules).
This is accomplished by using information from the instruments in the cockpit to a much higher degree of skill than just Private Pilot certification. This rating is incredibly useful and can help you get safely to your destination whether rain or shine!
What does it take?
40 hours instrument flight
50 hours of cross country flight as Pilot in Command
250 nautical miles specific dual instrument cross country
*Must hold a private pilot certificate, read, write, speak, and understand English, hold a third class medical certificate, and pass a written exam.
Course Overview
The Instrument Rating has a similar stage approach as the private pilot rating, but with additional content for the unique flight environments you’ll be able to fly in.
Understanding of basic instrument scan, FAR’s, and radio navigation procedures for instrument flight.
Application of those foundations for departure, enroute, arrival, and approach phases of flight.
In depth analysis of weather factors, cross country planning, emergency preparedness, and test preparation.
After the Instrument rating, there are numerous directions that aviation can take you. Each path is dependent on your goals and aspirations.